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Polish Information Point (IPP)

Are you Polish and living or working in the Dune and Bulb-growing Region? If so, you can ask the Polish Information Point (IPP) if you have questions about living and working. We will give you information or refer you to the right organisation.

Who is the IPP intended for?

The IPP has been set up for Polish workers who work and/or live (temporarily) in one of the following municipalities:

  • Hillegom
  • Lisse
  • Noordwijk
  • Teylingen
  • Katwijk

How can I contact the IPP?

Thursday from 17:00 – 20:00 there is a consultation hour (with and without an appointment) in the town hall of Hillegom, Hoofdstraat 115. You can call us on Thursdays (08:30 – 12:30 and 15:00 – 20:00) on 14 0252 or 06 - 20 78 35 14. Our e-mail address is


What questions can I ask the IPP?

You need to arrange several things properly when you are living or working (temporarily) in the Netherlands. If you have any questions or can’t find a solution, the IPP can help you. We can give you information, as well as explaining the rules, your rights and your obligations.

How does the IPP work?

We want to help you to do what is required, for instance registering with the municipality. We can’t answer and solve all your questions ourselves, but we do know the way: that’s how we can refer you to the right organisation.

What kind of organisation is the IPP?

The IPP was established by the municipalities in the Dune and Bulb-growing Region. Its aim is to provide information to the many Polish labour migrants residing in our region. We are available for relevant questions about living and working, not for material assistance.

What languages does the IPP speak?

The IPP assistant can speak to you in Dutch or Polish.

Where could I find information which might help me?

Which telephone numbers are important?

  • Emergency number for police, fire service and ambulance: 112
  • Police (general): 0900-8844
  • Report Crime Anonymously (MMA): 0800-7000
  • Tax Authority: 0800-0543, or 0031 555 385 385 if calling from abroad
  • Tax Authority (vehicle licensing): 0800-0749, or 0031 555 385 374 if calling from abroad

Where can I find coronavirus information?

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